Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Cup Half Full Design Pty Ltd Michael Jolly CNC Design Solutions Michael Jolly Cup Half Full Vollay

Now Jolly is trading with another Phoenix company
He is now called Cup Half Full Designs Pty Ltd ACN 97 622 187 553 trading as CNS Design Solutions
Please be aware of the past companies "run" by Michael Jolly and Jillian Jolly
Montage Group Pty Ltd
Vollay Contract Pty Ltd
Vollay Systems Pty Ltd
Shade Systems Pty Ltd
All these companies  have been de registered after going into administration from 2012

Please do yourself a favour and look for a reputable company for your shutters opening roofs etc
Any dealings with this guy will end in tears Your tears
Steer clear


  1. Jolly up to his old tricks again taking big deposits and progress payments and not completing the job Customer $1000's out of pocket
    Roof systems under engineered and vertical adjustable louvres with 6000mm long blades that move in the wind

  2. Sadly folks, Michael Jolly is still trading right now as of April 17th 2020. His wife Jillian is a director again.
    Cup Half Full Pty Ltd trading as CNS Design Solutions. If you would like to front him about money owed, just walk in to his rented factory unit. Factory D2, 81 Riverstone Parade, Riverstone NSW. His current Mobile number is: 0417 417 974. Good luck. We haven't been paid and I think he will run again soon.

  3. I am not surprised that he is still trading because he has suppliers like you still trading with him
    Likewise with customers still paying him deposits for work that will NEVER be done or done properly

  4. I have been personally shafted by this couple. Unscrupulous. Jolly himself is a Narcissist and Jillian is a completely subservient slave to him. Hundreds of thousands in deposits on machines and staff and contractors left unpaid. I agree as long as people can be gulled he will gull them. Look and learn.

    1. Jolly and his stupid wife have always been the same Always looking for someone to scam and there is a fool born everyday

  5. Jolly is still around selling his crappy louvred roofs that dont work and by the sounds of it is now selling machinery of which he knows nothing about
    Same crook
    Different business and name
    Same sub standard service and products
    If you are dealing with him in any shape or form you are bound to get ripped off so look elsewhere

  6. https://publishednotices.asic.gov.au/browsesearch-notices/notice-details/Cup-Half-Full-Design-Pty-Ltd-622187553/6ff48210-8903-4fe0-b04f-033614375756

    Cup Half Full Design Pty Ltd in Liquidation How surprising

  7. Went to a 50k job in Bellevue Hill the other day to try to fix it but it is a disaster waiting to happen One of the worst roof systems I have ever come across The design and installation is amateur at best Atrocious

  8. Jolly must still be around doing something illegal There have been 14 page visits this month and 113 in total last month This tells me he is still up to his old tricks He will never stop He is a sicko
